
Exploring Circular Economy in Amsterdam!

Our CirculUP! project is taking a big leap toward building a circular economy ecosystem in Armenia.

A delegation of future trainers from Armenia had the incredible opportunity to participate in a Training of Trainers bootcamp at Impact Hub Amsterdam

During their visit, they immersed themselves in the world of circular economy, gaining valuable insights, inspiration, and tools to bring back to Armenia. They learned about the famous CIRCO Methodology, visited innovative circular businesses, engaged in knowledge-sharing sessions, and experienced the real-life impact of circular practices.

Check out the photos and videos from their trip, capturing the excitement and learning moments that will shape the future of circular economy in Armenia. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make strides toward a sustainable and circular future!

This project is led by the Impact Hub Network, Impact Hub Yerevan, and the Շրջակա միջավայր և առողջություն ՀԿ/Environment and Health NGO – funded by the European Union in Armenia.